dinsdag 2 december 2008


Monday mornig I didn't hear my alarm go off and so I woke up a little late. First I didn't realise it but after a minute I looked at my phone and saw that the clock had just past 9 o'clock. I dressed myself as fast as I could but it didn't really matter because I allready mist my tutor group and the biggest part of the school assembley. My tutor wasn't to happy to see me showing up that late and told me that she had suspisions that I wasn't coming to the tutor group because I was not on the list which ment that I couldn't get punished for it. The next day, directly after school, I had a hockey match against St. Georges, a school not to far from here. The first half of the match we were dominating the game but unfortunately the other team scored from a counter attack. The second half the quality of our game got less and was clearly visible, everyone started to become a little tired, including myself. I had to run up and down the field but never really got the ball, except for a few times. Luckely, just minutes before the end of the game, a team member scored the 1-1 and the game ended up in a tie. The next mornig we had chapel, but his week it was different because it was the birthday of Andrew Reed, the man who started Reed's school. An old pupil, who came to the school 55 years ago, came (I thought) to talk about his expirience at Reed'd but instead he began to talk about Christianity, which was quite boring. After school I had hockey again. It was great fun because we went to play against the girls hockey team which is really bad. One half of their team was just talking to each other and the other half was scared for the ball, it was not very serieus but I enjoyed it. The next morning I got up early so I was sure I wouldn't miss my tutor group. After that I went to chapel service again, it was really strange because I was sitting next to people I didn't knew and I got the exact same speech I had the day before and just before it ended I came to the conclusion that I was sitting in the wrong room! I had to be at the house assembley which I missed. After school Diederik and I went to Cobham, but this time we where told to take a shortcut through the woods but we didn't really found the way and got a little lost but after 15 minutes of walking I recognized a path which we took the last time. After 45 minutes we arrived at the grocery store and bought a big supply of food and water. On our way back it started to get quite dark and decided to try the correct shortcut again but soon I was lost. Luckely Diederik thought he knew the way and within 30 minutes we arrived back at school. The big supply of food wasn't necessarybecause my parents arrived the next day and brought me cookies, pancakes, apples an Cola which was great. After showing them my room my parents, Diederik and I left to go to London where we slept in a apartment. We went to the Spaghetti House near Covent Garden for dinner and around 10 o'clock we went back to go to bed. The next morning we woke up around 8 o'clock and after breakfest we went straight into London (actually we allready where in the center of London) to go shopping. We went to Harrolds, a famous department store in London. Unforuanaly I didn't buy anyting becasue it was too expensive, but watching was enough. I've seen the biggest flatscreen tv in the world, a mobile phone designed by porsche for the price of £900,-! a woman wher I would fit in more than 5 times, designer clothes for dogs and a enormous rabbit which was the length of my arm (60cm)! After that we went to the second floor where there was a (allready) christmas fare. The room was full of people trying to buy something and you where pushed along a path and eventually I bought something. Some kind of decoration we needed to buy to decorate the sixth form house. After that we quickly went out to get some fresh air and buy a drink. On our way to find a restaurant which was not full, we came along a street with only designer shops like; Gucci, Louis Vuiton, Armani, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Versace, Roberto Cavalli etc. but suprisingly all shops where empty, sometimes there where 2 people standing there but not more. We eventually gave up searching and went to the nearest Starbucks where we bought a drink and a sandwich. We went back to the apartment and after 1.5 hours we went for dinner the a pub called; ''the george'' a typicall english pud. My hamburger was quite good but the spaghetti my mum had was disgusting. After dinner we went to see the Lion King. I had never been to a musical and this was a great expirience. The music, decor and costumes where beautiful. It was a great expirience and after the show we went to bed. The next morning I woke up at 9 o'clock. Diederik was allready gone because Myra came that day to visit him. My parent and I went to the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. It was quite interesting but it was not very special. Before we left we quickly bought a cheeseburger downstairs at the McDonald's. My parents brought me back to school and they left on their way back to Wassenaar.

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