maandag 8 december 2008


This monday morning I set my alarm early to be sure I won't be late for my tutor group. But there is always something to colplain about and I was critisised by my tutor that I had forgotten my jacket. I had to get it quickly and came, again, a little late for the school assembley. On wednesday we had hockey and the training did't start very well. We had to make 6 sprints around the D but after the first sprint I felt something coming up in my leg which really hurt and I could't finish sprinting. The trainer told me to stretch it and after a while I could run again without the pain in my leg. That night was supposed to be the 'special' night again but for some reason this was delayed to thursday night. We went bowling, for the third time! I was in a group together with; Diederik, Tom, Lilly an Dan. It was really funny because the one who least expected to win won. It was Lilly who won the game. She ended up in 1st place with about 3 strikes and some spares. This time I only got into 3rd place but it didn't matter because it was really fun. The rest of the week was not much going on. The next week was great. On wednesday we had hockey again and on thursday I went to Cobham to buy my Sinterklaas gift for Diederik. I bought him three DVD's (Mr. Beans' Holiday, The Waterboy and Inside Man). That night we where aloud to skip prep and celebrate Sinterklaas at Carmens' house with all the dutch students from Reed's school an ACS (the international school in Cobham). I came a little late from Cobham and almost everyone was gone but luckely Sophie, a dutch girl was on her way two and she brought us there. The night was great, Diederik bought me a season of The Family Guy and around 8:30 we where back. Just in time before the Christmas tree decoration contest between the girls and the boys started. Eventually, against all expectations the boys won. On saturday morning I went down to the rugby pitches to watch the games between the houses. It was great to watch and now I really start to like rugby. Around 2 o'clock Rick, Diederik and I went to Cobham to buy a secret santa present which would be next thursday. Beside that present I bought 2 more gifts for my brother and Victor. Sunday morning there was a christmas carol service at a cathedral in Guildford. The hole school went but it was quit boring.

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